Sunday, March 16, 2014

TOW #21 (Visual text)- Audi S7 advertisement

Over the past few years, Audi has worked very hard and put hundreds of millions of dollars into their marketing campaign in order to gain the top spot in the luxury car market, above competitors such as Mercedes Benz and BMW. Recently, Audi released the “leopcat” advertisement, portraying the new Audi S7 as half-leopard and half-domestic cat. Using primarily juxtaposition, Audi’s “leopcat” advertisement effectively convinces prospective buyers that the Audi S7 is the perfect blend between a sports car and a luxury car. Therefore, it is the best car in the market for people looking for a sporty, yet comfortable vehicle, ultimately convincing people to buy.
As seen on the left side of the advertisement, the new Audi S7 is described as a leopard. Commonly known as a quick, speedy big cat, the leopard is arguably the ruling predator of the jungle. By comparing the car to the leopard, Audi is inferring that the S7 is a fast and powerful sports car that is unmatched by its competitors. In addition, an image of a domestic cat sits juxtaposed next to the leopard to portray the luxurious and comfortable side of the vehicle. By comparing the S7 to a cat, Audi argues that it is also a family friendly vehicle. Cats are friendly house pets that many adults and children love, so why wouldn’t people love driving in the new Audi. Also, Audi assists the juxtaposition between the two great qualities of the S7, by stating “8 cylinders when you need it” and “4 cylinders when you don’t.” Most people that would buy an Audi would most likely not need a powerful V8 engine, so it is important to point out the fact that a more efficient and practical 4-cylinder engine is available. In city, a 4 cylinder engine is all anyone would ever need, but on a highway, it is appealing to many people to have a fast V8 engine to get from place to place in a hurry.

Overall, I felt this was an effective advertisement made by Audi. They did a great job of appealing to a wide variety of customers by highlighting the fact that the new Audi S7 is fast enough for sports car lovers, yet family friendly and comfortable.

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