Wednesday, February 12, 2014

TOW #18 (Visual Text)- Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate

            This being one of the snowiest winters in recorded history for Eastern Pennsylvania, I found it logical to analyze the rhetorical devices used by Swiss Miss to advertise their hot chocolate, which is surely in high demand this winter. As much of country is pounded by storm after storm and bitter cold weather, many adults and children frequently sip on Swiss Miss hot chocolate to warm up after shoveling the driveway or playing in the snow with friends.
            The goal of every company’s marketing team, including that of Swiss Miss hot chocolate, is to show that their product is superior to the competitor’s and worth the consumers’ money. Swiss Miss’ label effectively achieves this goal with its appealing image of the finished product and an elaborate background.
            Though Swiss Miss only sells packages of the hot chocolate mix that consumers have to mix in hot water in order to make their hot chocolate, the label displays a large image of the hot chocolate on the center of the package. Using an image of the final product was a wise decision by Swiss Miss because it looks a lot more enticing than a package of cocoa powder. Also, the hot chocolate is steaming, giving the allusion that hot chocolate made with Swiss Miss is always warm and delicious.
            The brand name “Swiss Miss” is named after the European country Switzerland, which lies on top of the Alps and is a hotspot for winter action sports like skiing and snowboarding. Throughout the background of the label, the hot chocolate is shown floating high above the Alp mountain range. This image of the mountains effectively appeals to Swiss Miss’ main target group, which consists of people that enjoy participating in outdoors activities and would likely need a hot, refreshing drink to sip on while warming up. Therefore, Swiss Miss’ label is certainly an effective marketing ploy as it displays the hot chocolate in an enticing manner and specifically appeals to its main group of prospective costumers.

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