Sunday, September 15, 2013

TOW #1 (written text)- "A Plea for Caution from Russia"

Written by Vladimir Putin

            In the article, “A Plea for Caution From Russia,” author Vladimir Putin discusses the United Nations’ and United States’ current debate over whether or not they should invade Syria. Putin, who is the president of Russia and important member of the United Nations, believes the Unites States should seek peaceful negotiations with the Syrian government in order to put an end to the ongoing conflict between the government and Syrian opposition groups. In a recent meeting with President Obama, Putin brought to attention the previous attempt of US military intervention in Northern Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan, which all failed. The United States’ use of brute force has failed in the past to bring democracy to Middle Eastern countries, and has led to thousands of civilian casualties. 
            The context of this article is very serious and may have a large impact on the future. Putin fears that if the US decides to invade Syria, it could lead to violence throughout the Middle East, beyond Syrian borders. In order to avoid a much larger conflict, Vladimir Putin argues that the United States and United Nations should peacefully negotiate with the Syrian government and come to a compromise, so they stop killing innocent civilian. Putin directs this argument towards the American people and political leaders because the US in on the few countries in the United Nations that did not veto a military invasion of Syria. He hoped to gain the support of the American people and convince them that invasion will only cause more trouble, which will help persuade Obama and the US government.

            In his article, Vladimir Putin’s use of nostalgia convinces readers to support his opinion by appealing to their emotions (pathos). While talking about US-Russian relations, Putin recalls, “We were also allies once, and defeated the Nazis together.” This reference back to the 1940’s shows that Putin and Russia hope to return to that time period, when Russia and the United States had a strong and positive alliance. This statement appeals to American readers’ emotions as they look back at one of the greatest American victories of all time, defeating Hitler and the Nazis. By doing this, Putin is viewed positively in the eyes of American readers before he puts forward his new plan to conduct peaceful negotiations with Syria. In the article, Putin’s use of rhetoric that appeals to the audience emotions effectively allows him to communicate his argument to Americans. At such a critical time in American history, I feel Putin did a great job of convincing the American people and government to seek peaceful negotiation, rather than violent military intervention.

This map displays recent conflicts in Syria between the government regime and multiple opposition groups.


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