Sunday, September 22, 2013

Tow # 2 (visual text)- Pepsi Advertisment


In this Pepsi advertisement, Pepsi is being compared to its rival soft drink, Coke. The Pepsi marketing experts that created the advertisement use it to attack Coke and portray Pepsi as the better drink. The Pepsi and Coke bottles are juxtaposed side-by-side and both have straws. Although, the straw going into the coke can is attempting to repel itself from the bottle. The straw is given hands at the bottom that push the straw up from the top, an effective use of personification. This portrays the Coke negatively and gives readers the idea that Coke tastes bad. In addition, the advertisement uses color to persuade the readers to choose Pepsi over Coke. The Pepsi bottle, which is blue, fits in well with the background, while the Coke bottle, which is red, looks out of place. Overall, the advertisement was created not just to make Pepsi look good to consumers, but also to attack their major rival, Coke. In doing so, Pepsi’s clear goal is to better their product in the large soft drink market and create more sales. Pepsi directs this advertisement towards teens and adults that understand their use of personification and juxtaposition to show that Coke does not taste as good as Pepsi. In my opinion, this is great advertisement that surely accomplished Pepsi’s purpose. Personally, I have always been a supporter of Coke, rather than Pepsi, but when I saw this advertisement it made me want to go out and drink Pepsi. It effectively appeals to pathos as I thought the straw repelling from the Coke bottle was quite humorous, and the personified straw really caught my attention and gave me a negative view towards Coke. The only criticism I have towards this advertisement, is that the Pepsi logo and slogan is very small, and located in the bottom corner. It may not be visible to most readers, so the comparison between Pepsi and Coke may confuse them.

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