Sunday, September 29, 2013

TOW #3 (Written Text)- "Climate Panel: Warming ‘Extremely Likely’ Man-Made"

Written by Karl Ritter

In his recent article, “Climate Panel: Warming ‘Extremely Likely’ Man-Made,” Karl Ritter asses the conflict over global warming. Ritter, the Associate Press Bureau Chief in Stockholm, analyzes a report put forth this week by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Six years after their last global warming report, the IPCC now believes that global warming is “extremely likely” to be caused by human activity. The 2,000-page report was put together by world-renowned scientists, calling for help, in order to slow down global warming. They have found that since the beginning of the 21st century, the atmosphere and oceans have continued to warm, snow and ice has melted in the artic regions, the ocean level has increase and there are higher levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
The IPCC has come to this conclusion after thorough scientific investigations, which Ritter hopes will serve as the basis for United Nations negotiations for a new climate deal. Karl Ritter directs this belief and analysis of IPCC information towards wealthy, industrial nations that have the greatest contribution towards global warming. He acknowledges that emerging economies in Asia and Africa are adding to the problem, but Ritter believes that established nations such as the United States must lead by example and begin cutting the amount of carbon they pump into the atmosphere. Ritter also targets a much larger audience around the world, urging all people and political leaders to take action and ensure that the UN takes steps towards solving the global warming problem, before it becomes unfixable.
Karl Ritter’s primary use of rhetoric is his inclusion of statistics from the IPCC’s report in order to appeal to logos, ethos, and pathos. Ritter states, “The IPCC raised its projections of the rise in sea levels to 10-32 inches (26-82 centimeters) by the end of the century. The previous report predicted a rise of 7-23 inches (18-59 centimeters).”  This statistic appeals to logos, as it provides factual evidence for why people around the world should take action and help slow down the effects of global warming. It also leads readers to perceive Karl Ritter and the IPCC as an expert on the topic. It shows that they have conducted multiple experiment and made accurate predictions regarding the ongoing problem of an increasing sea level. Finally, the use of statistics appeals to pathos, because it strikes fear into readers. Readers feel as though they are contributing to the destruction of Earth, and are more inclined to push for environmental protection. This combination of the three appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) effectively communicates Ritter’s purpose for writing this article that analyzes the IPCC report pushing for change in order to slow down global warming caused by human activity.

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Effective use of propaganda portraying the human race destroying the Earth.

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